Saturday, December 28, 2013

Hey, I'm still into you.

jom listen to this song while baca-ing ma post naa..

*guitar playing* okayy, ayat2 ni la sangkut dalam kepala..
"hey! even in the worst nights #I'm still into you.
and I wonder how do I get this far,
but I don't even care at All! 
cause I'm still in you."

Salam and a very good evening. ehm, it's 10.54pm now and I'm stuck with this song! *joget2 bahu jap*

hmm, sepanjang hidup kan tipu la if kita x pernah sangkut dgn anyone right? X salah, hanya your normal fitrah instinct is working. Yeay! 

Kalau dh suka, it is fine. We have the rights to like someone, to love somebody, to treasure memories, to create beautiful moments together..

Eh tp kan kalau org tu x suka kan kita? no response to our feelings? dah berpunya? Ok. Hold on a moment. Kalau kita ada hak untuk sukakan someone, someone tu pun ada hak to response to us. Kalau pegi confess la or not, just keep it beautifully..peram elok2 naa. haha

Not as we expected? maybe senang aku cakap tapi trust me, just move forward. kalau rasa chapter hidup sekarang susah, rumit, sedih, gloomy ka, bukak lembaran baru dan coret kan kisah hidup yang fresh. 

Dalam new chapter ni kan, put colours in it. kaler2 tu kan means the best sides of you dan coretkan dalam hidup yg baru. Sometime dlm hidup ni, instead of nak ikut org, lebih baik work on ur best to show the best. Best people will come to you, pulun2 mai kat hangpa. Trust me, I've done it before. Memang saat tu, aku belajar apa itu kehidupan. Thanks real-life-experince chek! 

Haa,cakap about real life experience kan..
Yes, I'm still into you. 
Tak salahkan.. 

Its 11.21pm now & Lots of regards,
Fathin Zaki.


Friday, December 27, 2013

I learnt from you.

Salam and a very early good morning. It is exactly 2.01 am. Listening to EXO, Baby Don't Cry. entah tiba2 terasa nak feeling sorrow.

Hari-hari yang kita merasai hidup nih,
ada masa kita rasa susah,
ada masa kita rasa lega,tanpa sebab,
ada masa sunyi, kita bernafas tapi kosong sangat kan..
ada masa, silence speak to us, ubati luka kita, teman kita.

Tapi akan ada satu detik tu kan, I froze and listen to my heart.
Hati ini is telling me what is happening right now. To me.
Yes, dari saat-saat yang aku lalui,
I learnt from you, dear life.

Learn how to protect my heart.
Learn to stand alone.
Learn to cry out load like nobody's business.
Learn when it is time to let him go..  *u can do it! itupun kalu ade la..huhu*
Learn everything.

hmm, while I am thinking apa lagi la nk tulis ni, the song sang to me right in the moment,
"say no more, no more,
say no more, no more"

ok ,got it. I 'll just stop here.
xnak berenti directly so here it is,
I learn to love who I am. #KLCC'13

We are humans, growing up and tasting the life right?So chills. Experience the best.

Early in the morning & Lots of regards,
Fathin Zaki.


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Yes, I cried.

Salam and *jeling dashboard* good morning,precisely. It's 1.30 am ++ right now.

Well, I am experiencing my very first study week of UiTM so this is my review. It really felt like a bercuti week. hahaha. a very wrong way to say it tapi itulah hakikatnya..kan kan kan..

so, this early morning, aku terdetik dengan kritikan ramai orang or orang ramai yang aku senang menangis. in other words, cepat, selalu, kerap, mudah, easily nk nangis and Yes, I cried. A lot.

Not to make a clear statement but this is who I am. People might say I look tough,*yeah,yeah,yeah..* but I am, in other way round. Yes, I am damn sensitive. I dunno why but i tried to tahan several things by not crying. We are humans, right. Ada hak nak menangis bila2 masa kita perlukan.

Recently, I watched this movie named, Miracle in Cell No.7. hmm,it is  korean movie but I assure you, this is a very good movie to be watched. It tells you the love of a father to his child. What I wanted to say is, I do cried, a lot when I watched this. Sounds cliche aite? Yeah, I cried especially when it tells about the love in a family. Senang sgt aku nk nangis tgk cerita2 mcm ni compared to bf mati ka gf putuih hubungan dgn bf dia ka and whtsoever.. ni nak kata racist cintan-cintun la ni..

Tak semua org dekat dengan kita sama.
Tak semua org rasa apa yg kita rasa.
Tak semua org experienced things that we go through.

Just appreciate your own self. You are unique enough to be different from others.
Yes, I cried a lot. This is the way for me to be strong,for myself. 
And how 'bout you?

ni tengah main kat pantai bagan lalang oii..

Late at night&Lots of regards,
Fathin Zaki.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

2 Jun 2011. The Last Day ( Memoir of Fadhilah)

Kebetulan minggu tu, mak and fadhilah balik rumah. How happy I am? Memang sukar nak digambarkan. Happy sangat-sangat. Bayangkan, mak were not at home for weeks and dapat balik rumah for a couple of days. I never felt like that before in my life because finally, ada orang juga kat rumah time aku balik sekolah and I know that I am not alone. I got my sister back even just utk beberapa hari. I finally got back my roommate, my ‘orang utk bergaduh’, my counselor and most importantly, my best friend.  Perfect, everything was perfect at that time.

Aku pula time tu memang perlukan laptop. So, our parent decided nak belikan satu for me. Hari itu ialah hari Sabtu, 2 Jun 2011. But, fadhilah wasn’t happy at all. She kept on crying non-stop and I forced her to go out. As usual,dia kena pakai mask bila nak keluar. That’s why she doesn’t want to go out. She will keep telling me that people will look at her everywhere she go but I don’t care. Aku nak beli juga laptop on that day. X kisah la orang lain nak cakap apa. Bodoh kan? Adik sakit tapi aku tetap selfish.

Lepas maghrib, malam tu juga we all keluar. Fadhilah diam and x happy langsung. Tapi aku x kisah. We went to Megamall tp semua kedai PC tutup. Aku dah mula tarik muka. So, kena patah balik to Sunway Carnival Mall. Dah pukul 9 lebih tp nasib baik ada kedai PC Dell yg still buka. Fadhilah still diam and dia mula nangis diam2. Aku? Tetap x kisah. Masa kat kedai PC, she just berdiri kat luar n crying alone. Aku pula dah teruja dengan laptop2 yng ada. No one is paying attention to her. After a while, I finally bought a laptop and I was very happy. Fadhilah hanya stand at the door looking at me without saying anything.
Mak dah promise nak bawa dia makan pizza malam tu. Just to cheer her up since pizza hut is her favourite place. But we all x makan at sunway,we went straight to pizza hut raja uda. In the car, fadhilah just keep on crying and crying. Maybe she feels that this will be the last time we, 6 of us a family go out and eat at a restaurant. Aku x tahu apa yang dia rasa sebab im not in her situation tp dia memang sedih sangat malam itu. Aku pula keep on scolding her sebab dah x tahan dengar dia nangis. Dia diam but air mata still mengalir and dia nangis x berbunyi sebab aku marahkan dia. At the restaurant, dia makan sikit saja and x cakap langsung. Aku? Aku happy sangat sebab aku dapat laptop for the first time and dapat makan sekeluarga. We talked n laughed but she sat at her place,with her beautiful face just looking at me,my brother n my youngest sister as if kami dah jauh dengan dia. Bila terkenang semua ni, rasa mcam masa berjalan dengan lambat dan aku mula membayangi every detail on what had happened that night.

Balik rumah pun dah lambat. Almost midnight. Both of us masuk bilik. Aku dah mula focus on my lappy but fadhilah,dia terduduk atas katil smbil bersandar kat dinding and keep on looking at me.  Makin lama, makin deras air mata dia keluar. Dia tetap duduk menghadapi aku tp aku duduk membelakangi dia. She wants to talk to me but her tears can’t stop. Me? I just ignore her sebab dah terlalu teruja dgn lappy.  Jahatnya aku time tu. Kakak yang xberguna smpaikan adik sndiri x dipedulikan when she needs me. Sehingga dia buka mulut and cakap, esok dia kena masuk balik hospital. Dia x nak balik ke sana. Dia cakap dia penat. Dia x larat. Dia nak duduk kat rumah. Dia hanya meraung. Aku diam. Don’t know what to do. Nasib baik mak ada and she comforts fadhilah. ALHAMDULLILAH, pagi esok,fadhilah bangun dengan senang hati dan bersedia utk bailk ke hospital. The first thing I saw that morning when I woke up was her smile. The smile is back, I said to myself. Dia dah boleh terima and bersemangat utk pulih…

Sampai sekarang,masih terngiang2 apa yang fadhilah cakap malam tu and hati aku rasa macam dikoyak-koyak.  Pedih rasanya kalau teringat semua ni. Orang kata aku ni ego, kasar  tapi hati aku siapa yang tahu kecuali Allah SWT, Maha Esa dan Maha Yang Memahami semua hati hamba-hambanya. Aku sayangkan Fadhilah with all of my heart and siapa pun x akan berjaya replace her in my heart. Ada orang pernah cakap, cukuplah dengan memori yang kita pernah berkongsi bersama utk terus menyatukan kita di hati masing2. Aku rasa setakat ni saja yang mampu aku tulis tentang fadhilah. The rest biarlah tersimpan di dalam hati seorang kakak yang senantiasa menyayangi dan merindui adiknya.Al- Fatihah buat adik tersayang,Nur Fadhilah Bt Mohd Zaki. I love you always.

Family Vacay in Langkawi


Friday, February 3, 2012

A post to our Muslim Women..

this is just an overview done by me kayy...


Apa itu Hijabista?
menurut hasil kajian oleh 2 penyelidik berkaitan fenomena ini,golongan Hijabista menjustifikasikan ikutan fesyen barat sebagai sebahagian 'usaha' untuk mengetengahkan identiti Islam iaitu konsep berpakaian menutup aurat. 
- mereka menggelar diri sebagai hijabista,satu perumpamaan yang diadaptasi daripada perkataan 'fashoinista' yang dijolokkan kepada wanita2 barat yang menggayakan rekaan-rekaan kelas atasan atau haute couture.
- sangat taksub mengintegrasikan rekaan pereka-pereka terkemuka 

#'tudung tidak berfungsi menyembunyikan rambut tetapi menggantikan rambut', kesimpulan ini dibuat oleh penyelidik Ozlem Sandikci  dan Guliz Ger terhadap golongan ini.

Kenapa ia tidak lengkap dalam menutup aurat?
- keengganan golongan hijabista untuk berpakaian longgar dan labuh kerana bagi mereka kononnya pakaian sedemikian menampakkan mereka lebih tua,terlalu alim atau ketinggalan zaman. 
-Berpegang pada konsep "cukup syarat" iaitu
  • mereka masih mengganggap diri menutup aurat walaupun tudung tidak labuh menutupi dada sepenuhnya 
  • cara memilih pakaian moden yang mereka anggap menutup aurat, even pakaian itu senteng tetapi mereka katakan ia masih menutup aurat asalkan ia masih 'menutupi'. 
- namun pada hakikatnya,rata-rata pakaian yang digayakan agak sendat dan pendek,manakala tudung yang dikenakan pula jarang dan tidak menutupi dada.

Tidak mencerminkan identiti Islam?
- ia mewujudkan rasa ujub dan ingin menonjolkan diri dalam kalangan wanita Islam.
- golongan ini dikhuatiri cenderung kepada fesyen yang menyerupai orang kafir.
- even syarat-syarat utama menutup aurat mengikut syarii adalah dengan tidak meniru cara berpakaian orang kafir.
#'adalah amat pelik pakaian yang sepatutnya mencerminkan sifat malu menonjolkan nama pereka-pereka fesyen yang kebanyakannnya terkenal dengan seksualiti dan sifat tidak tahu malu' ; Asra Q. Nomani.

Mereka gemar membazir?
- berkemungkinan sudah menjadi satu habit kerana mereka terus membeli yang baru(bagi golongan hijabista,penting untuk setiap pakaian perlu digayakan dengan tudung,beg dan kasut bersesuain) kerana trend fesyen sentiasa berubah.
- golongan hijabista menegaskan biarlah alah membeli tetapi menang memakai..ini menunjukkan bahawa mereka ini terjerumus dalam perhambaan "menang memakai" ..

Oleh yang demikian,golongan hijabista bukan dikatakan model terbaik untuk mencerminkan keindahan sahsiah wanita Islam,apatah lagi menjadi nadi dakwah secara tauladan.

Be yourself doesnt mean that tak boleh mengekalkan aqidah dan syariah Islam dalam diri kan?
so,umat Islam perlu peka dengan arus modenisasi ini yang menekankan kehidupan sosial 'be open minded' dan fenomena sekularisme yang sedang menjalar hebat untuk merosakkan Islam itu sendiri..BTW,ini hanya an over review by myself daripada artikel 'Hijabista; Satu Identiti atau Ikutan' nukilan Puteri Shakira Jahn Kassim dalam Majalah Solusi. for more,boleh baca the whole article dalam majalah tu.. 
Siapa yang tergolong dalam golongan Hijabista ini? Figure it out yourself..bukan nak tunding jari tp pandai2 la menilai diri sendiri sma ada kita tergolong dengan mereka ini atau tidak..

That's all for now.. thanx for reviewing..


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

One of My Fav : B.Gandum

B.Gandum?haha..sounds a bit of cliche there..It is actually Bubur Gandum or Sweet Wheat Porridge! is my fav.
People thought I love Bubur Kacang Hitam/Black Glutinous Rice Porridge but to be precise, I favor Bubur Gandum more. Ok but that's not the issue here..actually,I wanted to post the ingredients and how to cook it..

You can google the recipe on your own but I would like to post it,just for fun. =)
Fyi, I am gonna try to cook it..We'll see the result. =P

-What will you need in your kitchen-
(10 servings)

1 cup of wheat pearls ( rendamkan for about 2-3 hours)
10 cups of water
2 cups of coconut milk (not so pekat, a bit mild)
2 pandan leaves ( disimpulkan)
Sugar and Salt?(based on your taste! Basically you'll need 1 1/2 cups of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of salt)

-Get ready with your cookware!-

-Let's cook.-
1-  In a pot, bring the water and pandan leaves to a boil. Add the wheat pearls and allow to boil for
      5 minutes before lowering the heat to simmer for half hour, or until the wheat pearls are soft.
2-  Add the coconut milk, sugar and salt and bring to a quick boil.
3-  As usual,kacau hingga mendidih and pekat..hehe..always kena kacau so that it won't volatile.
     Make sure the porridge to be sweet..if not,it won't be sweet wheat porridge! hahax..
     Lastly,serve warm..Yum,yum!

Now,you can cook! It is easy meh! woohoo..

Okie dokie,will end here for now..will post my porridge if I buat laa..orite,gtg..da-da.. 8D

Monday, December 5, 2011

Against All Odds. For ya.

How can I just let you walk away,
Just let you leave without a trace,
When I'm standing taking every breath with you,
You're the only one who really knew me, 
At all.

How can you just walk away from me, 
When all I can do is watch you leave,
Cause we shared the laughter and the pain,
And even shared the tears,
You're the only one who really knew me at all.

So take a look at me now,
There's just an empty space,
There's nothing left here to remind me,
Just the memory of your face,

So take a look at me now, 
There's just an empty space,
If you're coming back to me it's against all odds,
And that's what I've got to face.

I wish I could just make you turn around,
Turn around and see me cry,
There's so much I need to say to you,
So many reasons why,
You're the only one who really knew me at all.

So take a look at me now,
There's just an empty space,
There's nothing left here to remind me,
Just the memory of your face,
So take a look at me now, 
So there's just an empty space,
But to wait for you is all I can do,

When that's what I've got to face.

Take a good look at me now,
Cause I'll be standing here,
And you coming back to me is against all odds,
And that's the chance I've got to take.